Little Homeless Baby Now Has Warm Tent to Sleep In With His Family

Dear Friends, Thanks to Your Kindness, this Precious Homeless Baby named Dew Drop, now has a nice warm tent to live in with her Family. You have our Thanks and Appreciation.  The Door of Goodness Is Always Open. Please Help If You Can 

 If anyone would like to help other Homeless Babies, Please Click HERE

Taíno meet Columbus; “New World” gets new diseases

AD1492: Taíno meet Columbus; “New World” gets new diseases


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40,000–10,000 BC: HOMELANDS

Contemporary Native peoples from many nations teach that they originated in their traditional lands. The oral histories of some Native peoples tell of traveling to their current location by water or land. Anthropologists theorize that Native peoples migrated from Asia over land bridges when Bering Strait sea levels were lower.


Native Hawaiian Legend of Ho‘ohokukalani

Today, all tribes tell stories of their origins. There are as many creation stories as there are tribes, and there are thousands of tribes. The stories—which are generally told only at certain times of the year and then privately within the tribe—describe origins in the Americas, usually within the traditional lands of the narrators. Most of the stories are deeply rooted in oral tradition.

In Native Hawaiian tradition, Papa (Earth Mother) and Wakea (Sky Father) had a daughter named Ho‘ohokukalani. When her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, her stillborn fetus was buried. The next morning, a plant never seen before had sprouted from the grave. This was the first taro plant. Ho‘ohokukalani’s next pregnancy was successful. The baby, who was named Haloa, was the first Hawaiian man. Native Hawaiians believe taro is their elder brother, a being to respect.


MicMac Tribe

Native Nations Museum { Mobile }
January 24 at 5:54 AM  ·
Native American Tales:
“I am truly astonished that the French have so little cleverness.
They try to persuade us to convert our poles, our barks, and our wigwams into their houses of stone and of wood that are as tall and lofty as these trees.
Very well! But why do men of five to six feet in height need houses that are sixty to eighty?
Do we not have all the advantages in our houses that you have in yours, such as reposting, drinking, sleeping, eating, and amusing ourselves with friends when we wish?
Have you as much ingenuity as the Indians, who carry their houses and their wigwams with them so that they may lodge wherever they please?
We can say that we are at home everywhere, because we set up our wigwams with ease wherever we go, without asking permission from anyone.
You reproach us – very inappropriately – and tell us that our country is a little hell in contrast with France, which you compare to a terrestrial paradise.
If this is true, why did you leave it?
Why did you abandon your wives, children, relatives, and friends?
Which of these is the wisest and happiest – he who labors without ceasing and only obtains, with great trouble, enough to live on, or he who rests in comfort and finds all that he needs in the pleasure of hunting and fishing?
Learn now, my brother, once and for all, because I must open my heart to you:
There is no Indian who does not consider himself infinitely more happy and more powerful than the French.”
Micmac Chief (1676)


Many do not realize that the takeover of the western hemisphere, both North and South America, was not just a war of domination, power, aquisition and material gain, but it was an energetic war, stamping out the vestiges of Divine Feminine Goddess energy and communion with Gaia.From a material standpoint, the Indigenous people’s of North America appear to have lost this war, but in fact, they truly won, but not in a way that seems apparent on the surface.They did not let their culture and the ancient heritage be stamped out. Much can be said about the current state physically and much still needs to be rectified. The ancient shamanic visions of their people’s future…the ingrained wisdom of operating in the 3D reality while immersed in the strength of the anscestors…the foreknowledge of the ravaging of their people… They understood and created a time capsule.These powerful ancients disconnected themselves from their present time and travelled into the shifting pathways of the ever present future, bringing with them all the wisdom, strength and information available to them at the height of their connection to the Great Spirit. They placed it into the future with love, honor and reverence, knowing it was not for them and their time to finish this.And so time moved forward. The dark visions they had seen came to pass. Material and technological progression flourished across thir once open, free lands, choking the waters and poisoning the lands.No longer were people focused on the next seven generations, no longer wad honor shown to those who came before and many lost their way.In the pattern of things, what was strong must eventually weaken and the system bloated upon itself, stagnating future generations of evolution for gratification in the now.Inside of this stagnant bloat, a growing dissatisfaction began to simmer under the surface as many were born into a system with no spiritual or energetic purpose and so began the great questing.The burning desire to understand and find meaning exploded in many in this world as if lit by the same spark, opening up the doorways to many new ways of thinking, feeling and moving through reality, some effective, some not so effective, but it began to happen.Individuals searching would find a piece of this ancient wisdom and explore it, map it out, then show others how it has helped them, sparking new healing modalities that millions unfamiliar with the Quest began to feel and spark their own Quest.Thus the spectrum began to show facets of this ancient wisdom and those looking at many of these facets began to piece them together like a grand puzzle mosaic, seeing how this piece obviously fit there and that feeling obviously belonged there.This began to spark the great Knowing. No longer was the Quest in priority, to many had achieved meaning and information began to assimilate through them, answering the questions posed to this knowing with lightning speed and thus the facets began to take on color….All the spectrums of light, of humanity, of thought and being.This energy burst forth through many and began to make itself known and suddenly brilliantly powerfuls souls were able to incarnate on our planet with much light to anchor into, beginning to shift the structure from the ground up.And the warriors of the Rainbow Prophecies were born.Pay attention to the children. Many are already shifting into this flow. We live in incredibly powerful times. Great works are in the making and will begin birthing themselves as we start moving into the Language of Light as a species.The more light you create, the faster we shift.Be love. Live joy. Honor the feelings you do not prefer and shine excitement, light and the radiant smile directly into the center until it has no choice but to become that which you want to live

Native Heritage: Traditions Preserved and Renewed



Blessing from the Medicine Man, Howard Terpning®, 2011


Native Heritage: Traditions Preserved and Renewed


Reverence for tradition, for tribal elders, and for a Supreme Being have been fundamental to Native health and culture for generations. Sadly, in the 18th and early 19th centuries, U.S. government policies of removing and relocating Indian tribes, combined with the impact of missionaries and settlers, suppressed Native culture. Many ceremonies and traditional healing practices were banned outright. But traditional values such as loyalty and military service were kept alive. And in the last few decades, Native Peoples who have preserved their traditions are renewing the old ways and teaching them to the next generation.



Protecting Our Sovereign Rights to Govern the Cherokee Nation Reservation




Courtesy of Chuck Hoskin, Jr. at NATIVE NEWS ONLINE

In its recent ruling in McGirt v. Oklahoma, the United States Supreme Court affirmed what Native Americans in Oklahoma have always known and maintained: Our land is, and always has been, ours.

State and local governments spent decades assuming that our reservations, including the Cherokee Nation’s 7,000-square-mile reservation in northeast Oklahoma, no longer existed. However, the Supreme Court’s recent ruling very clearly explained that Congress never disestablished our reservations. Our reservations still exist. Our sovereign rights within those borders remain intact.

The ruling also represents new challenges for the Cherokee Nation to ensure there are no jurisdictional gaps affecting law enforcement and public safety in Oklahoma.

The Supreme Court ruling said that serious crimes committed within the Muscogee Creek reservation boundaries would no longer be under the jurisdiction of the state to prosecute, and those cases transferred to federal and tribal courts to prosecute. Because the Five Civilized Tribes historically share similar treaties, by extension, this ruling also applies to Cherokee Nation and violent crimes committed on Cherokee Nation reservation lands.

To prepare for the challenges, we recently established the Commission for the Protection of Cherokee Nation Sovereignty to make funding and resource recommendations and examine other related areas.  Some of the brightest minds on the subject of sovereignty will be involved in the Commission, including Cherokee citizen and former United Nation’s Ambassador Keith Harper as well as people representing all branches of Cherokee Nation’s government.

The commission will analyze resource concerns, costs and necessary steps as the Cherokee Nation prepares to exercise expanded jurisdiction over crimes committed on our reservation lands.

We also rolled out the proposed Cherokee Nation Reservation, Judicial Expansion and Sovereignty Protection Act for consideration by the Council of the Cherokee Nation to facilitate additional federal funding for expanded staffing and resources and bring in judicial officers to help with workload increases. Twelve Council members are co-sponsoring the legislation and I anticipate broad support on final passage later this month.  In addition, we are taking the necessary steps to expand our Marshal Service, Attorney General’s Office, detention and probation budgets, and tribal court system.

The commission will send me periodic reports and a final report by Dec. 1, so that the Cherokee Nation can start growing our courts, law enforcement and other areas related to the McGirt ruling. The legislation if approved by Council later this month will allow the Cherokee Nation to apply for funding and grants to expand.

I will also stay engaged in any congressional response to legislation, to ensure our tribal sovereignty is protected and that this historic ruling remains intact.

We are all too aware of the federal government’s history of failed promises to tribal nations. It is a pattern we have seen repeated too many times as the U.S. government has broken or simply ignored the promises it made to us through treaties. History has shown that failure to include tribal voices in formulating legislation or policy has too often led to devastating results.

Chuck Hoskin, Jr.

Make no mistake, if we are not at that table, Congress will legislate without our voices. Anti-Indian groups, big energy corporations, and others have wasted no time in trying to steal away this historic Supreme Court victory. These forces are working overtime to divide tribal nations, create confusion, and deprive our citizens of their sovereign rights.

If I had not expected these forces would attack our sovereignty, I would be offended at how quickly they have done so. But tribal sovereignty is more than just a catchphrase, and it is more than a word that can be casually thrown around for political gain. The truth is, tribal sovereignty comes with rights and obligations, and we are fully prepared to demand our rights while fulfilling our obligations.

This court decision is the largest victory for Indian Country in our lifetime, but it also represents new challenges for the Cherokee Nation so we are preparing vigorously for what we anticipate is coming. I look forward to a detailed report from the commission in the coming weeks.

I am thankful to those who stand alongside our tribal nations as we work to uphold public safety, promote legal cooperation, secure our rights and protect the hard-fought recognition of our reservation boundaries. I want the McGirt v. Oklahoma ruling to be an enduring victory for Indian Country. This moment is too important for Cherokee Nation to sit by while others make decisions on our behalf.

Chuck Hoskin, Jr. is the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation. 

About The Author
Chuck Hoskin Jr

Tribal Citizen Charged with Toppling Columbus Statue at Minnesota Capitol



By Darren Thompson


SAINT PAUL, Minn. — More than two months after the Christopher Columbus statue at the Minnesota State Capitol grounds was toppled, the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office charged one person in the incident on Thursday.

Mike Forcia, an enrolled tribal citizen of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Wisconsin), was charged with criminal damage to property in the first degree, which is a felony crime in Minnesota.

“While charges against other participants remain a possibility, it was clear from the State’s investigation that Mr. Forcia was the primary organizer, leader, and executor of the incident. According to the state, the investigation led to a 13,000 page file on the event,” Ramsey County Attorney’s Office said in a statement.

On June 10, the day the Columbus statue was toppled, Forcia was seen cheering as the statue met pavement, but there is no footage of him pulling the statue down.

“Ramsey County District Attorney’s Office came up with charges today against my client,” Forica’s attorney, Jack Rice, told Native News Online. “It is something that is incredibly personal to Mike and something incredibly personal to me. Any felony charge is a serious charge and can gravely affect a person’s life.”

“This is a story that has affected Native people across the country for more than 500 years,” Rice added.

Rice is an enrolled tribal citizen of the Luiseño Tribe in California with more than two decades of experience practicing law. He’s a former Central Intelligence Agency Special Agent, former prosecutor and an internationally known journalist and television commentator.

At the scene of the toppling on June 10, a group of approximately 50 people pulled the statue down with no resistance from the Minnesota State Patrol while multiple sources streamed live on social media.

The toppling of the statue made national headlines and sparked cities across the United States to remove symbols of oppression and racism in public spaces, including statues of Columbus and Confederate monuments in cities such as Baltimore, Chicago, Richmond, Sacramento, Columbus and more.

“I wanted to help educate the ignorance and racism that has been predominant since the birth of the state of Minnesota,” said Forcia. “People don’t realize that systematic racism, slavery, white supremacy and genocide created America and having symbols representing that genocide is a continuous reminder of the atrocious history people continue to celebrate.”

As a result of COVID-19 precautions, court proceedings are severely limited and, according to Rice, Forcia may make his first appearance at court online at an unknown date.

Criminal damage to property in the first degree is a felony in Minnesota and punishable by up to 5 years in prison and/or fines reaching up to $10,000.





Winslow Police Officer Cleared in Death of 27-Year-Old Navajo Mother




Published July 22, 2016

WINSLOW, ARIZONA—Winslow Police Officer Austin Shipley has been cleared in the death of Loreal Tsinigine, a young 27-year-old Navajo mother.


Tsinigine was shot five times on a sidewalk on Easter Sunday (March 27, 2016) after this year after she was stopped by Shipley as a shoplifting suspect at the local Circle K in Winslow, Arizona.

Shipley claims Tsingine had a pair of scissors in her hand and he had to defend himself.



Officer Austin Shipley cleared in shooting death of young Navajo mother


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"Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money can not be eaten."